In the last post, I only went into profiling. Here's a simple testing usage scenario. Suppose you want to make sure that a certain body of code throws an exception of a particular type. That means you have to wrap it up in a try / except block, and test the type of the exception. The logic to do this would be quite repetitive if it had to be expanded out long-hand. Fortunately, that's not the case:
procedure ExpectException(ExClass: ExceptClass; const Code: TProc); var noThrow: Boolean; begin noThrow := False; try Code; noThrow := True; except on e: Exception do if not e.ClassType.InheritsFrom(ExClass) then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Failed - %s expected, %s actually raised', [ExClass.ClassName, e.ClassName]); end; if noThrow then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Failed - %s not raised', [ExClass.ClassName]); end;
Here it is in use:
var list: TList; begin list := TList.Create; try ExpectException(EListError, procedure begin list[42] := nil; end); finally list.Free; end; end;
Now that is quite neat. Very similar to the sort of test code I write with Smoketest:
ReplyDeleteprocedure TTestCase.TestMethod;
.. test case code
The need to repeat the ExpectException() test being needed to catch both the pass (got the exception) and fail (didn't) conditions.
That repetition isn't particularly arduous but it is a little ugly.
This is a nice example. Thanks for the blogs, I'm almost beginning to understand these anonymous methods ;-)