Delphi's Rtti unit is designed in substantial part around TValue, a kind of hold-all record that should be capable of containing almost any Delphi value, along with type information for that value. However, this means that when you're working with value types, such as static arrays and records, modifying the values when stored in a TValue is modifying that copy, stored inside the TValue. If you want to manipulate a field (F1) of a record which is itself a field (F2) of another type, you need to first copy the F2 field's value out into a TValue, then modify F1 in the TValue, and then copy it back in to the original F2 field.
As an aside: TValue.MakeWithoutCopy does not relate to this copying behaviour, but is rather for managing reference counts with strings and interfaces and other managed types. This is particularly important when marshalling parameters to and from stack frames, where logical copies sometimes should be made, and sometimes not.
However, working with values in TValue all the time is not necessarily the most efficient technique. By adding another layer of indirection, we can improve things: instead of working with values, we can work with locations.
This can be encapsulated fairly trivially using the current RTTI support. I hacked up a TLocation type which represents a typed location analogously to how TValue represents a value:
type TLocation = record private FLocation: Pointer; FType: TRttiType; public class function FromValue(C: TRttiContext; const AValue: TValue): TLocation; static; class function FromAddress(ALocation: Pointer; AType: TRttiType): TLocation; static; function GetValue: TValue; procedure SetValue(const AValue: TValue); function Follow(const APath: string): TLocation; function Dereference: TLocation; function Index(n: Integer): TLocation; function FieldRef(const name: string): TLocation; end;
For ease of use, it uses TRttiType. If it were to be fully as flexible as TValue, it would use PTypeInfo instead, like TValue does. However, using the RTTI wrapper objects makes life a lot easier.
Here it is in use:
type TPoint = record X, Y: Integer; end; TArr = array[0..9] of TPoint; TFoo = class private FArr: TArr; constructor Create; function ToString: string; override; end; { TFoo } constructor TFoo.Create; var i: Integer; begin for i := Low(FArr) to High(FArr) do begin FArr[i].X := i; FArr[i].Y := -i; end; end; function TFoo.ToString: string; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := Low(FArr) to High(FArr) do Result := Result + Format('(%d, %d) ', [FArr[i].X, FArr[i].Y]); end; procedure P; var obj: TFoo; loc: TLocation; ctx: TRttiContext; begin obj := TFoo.Create; Writeln(obj.ToString); ctx := TRttiContext.Create; loc := TLocation.FromValue(ctx, obj); Writeln(loc.Follow('.FArr[2].X').GetValue.ToString); Writeln(obj.FArr[2].X); loc.Follow('.FArr[2].X').SetValue(42); Writeln(obj.FArr[2].X); // observe value changed // alternate syntax, not using path parser loc.FieldRef('FArr').Index(2).FieldRef('X').SetValue(24); Writeln(obj.FArr[2].X); // observe value changed again Writeln(obj.ToString); end;
Here's most of the implementation:
{ TLocation } type PPByte = ^PByte; function TLocation.Dereference: TLocation; begin if not (FType is TRttiPointerType) then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Non-pointer type %s can''t be dereferenced', [FType.Name]); Result.FLocation := PPointer(FLocation)^; Result.FType := TRttiPointerType(FType).ReferredType; end; function TLocation.FieldRef(const name: string): TLocation; var f: TRttiField; begin if FType is TRttiRecordType then begin f := FType.GetField(name); Result.FLocation := PByte(FLocation) + f.Offset; Result.FType := f.FieldType; end else if FType is TRttiInstanceType then begin f := FType.GetField(name); Result.FLocation := PPByte(FLocation)^ + f.Offset; Result.FType := f.FieldType; end else raise Exception.CreateFmt('Field reference applied to type %s, which is not a record or class', [FType.Name]); end; function TLocation.Follow(const APath: string): TLocation; begin Result := GetPathLocation(APath, Self); end; class function TLocation.FromAddress(ALocation: Pointer; AType: TRttiType): TLocation; begin Result.FLocation := ALocation; Result.FType := AType; end; class function TLocation.FromValue(C: TRttiContext; const AValue: TValue): TLocation; begin Result.FType := C.GetType(AValue.TypeInfo); Result.FLocation := AValue.GetReferenceToRawData; end; function TLocation.GetValue: TValue; begin TValue.Make(FLocation, FType.Handle, Result); end; function TLocation.Index(n: Integer): TLocation; var sa: TRttiArrayType; da: TRttiDynamicArrayType; begin if FType is TRttiArrayType then begin // extending this to work with multi-dimensional arrays and non-zero // based arrays is left as an exercise for the reader ... :) sa := TRttiArrayType(FType); Result.FLocation := PByte(FLocation) + sa.ElementType.TypeSize * n; Result.FType := sa.ElementType; end else if FType is TRttiDynamicArrayType then begin da := TRttiDynamicArrayType(FType); Result.FLocation := PPByte(FLocation)^ + da.ElementType.TypeSize * n; Result.FType := da.ElementType; end else raise Exception.CreateFmt('Index applied to non-array type %s', [FType.Name]); end; procedure TLocation.SetValue(const AValue: TValue); begin AValue.Cast(FType.Handle).ExtractRawData(FLocation); end;
To make it slightly easier to use, and slightly more fun for me to write, I also wrote a parser - the Follow method, which is implemented in terms of GetPathLocation:
function GetPathLocation(const APath: string; ARoot: TLocation): TLocation; { Lexer } function SkipWhite(p: PChar): PChar; begin while IsWhiteSpace(p^) do Inc(p); Result := p; end; function ScanName(p: PChar; out s: string): PChar; begin Result := p; while IsLetterOrDigit(Result^) do Inc(Result); SetString(s, p, Result - p); end; function ScanNumber(p: PChar; out n: Integer): PChar; var v: Integer; begin v := 0; while (p >= '0') and (p <= '9') do begin v := v * 10 + Ord(p^) - Ord('0'); Inc(p); end; n := v; Result := p; end; const tkEof = #0; tkNumber = #1; tkName = #2; tkDot = '.'; tkLBracket = '['; tkRBracket = ']'; var cp: PChar; currToken: Char; nameToken: string; numToken: Integer; function NextToken: Char; function SetToken(p: PChar): PChar; begin currToken := p^; Result := p + 1; end; var p: PChar; begin p := cp; p := SkipWhite(p); if p^ = #0 then begin cp := p; currToken := tkEof; Exit(currToken); end; case p^ of '0'..'9': begin cp := ScanNumber(p, numToken); currToken := tkNumber; end; '^', '[', ']', '.': cp := SetToken(p); else cp := ScanName(p, nameToken); if nameToken = '' then raise Exception.Create('Invalid path - expected a name'); currToken := tkName; end; Result := currToken; end; function Describe(tok: Char): string; begin case tok of tkEof: Result := 'end of string'; tkNumber: Result := 'number'; tkName: Result := 'name'; else Result := '''' + tok + ''''; end; end; procedure Expect(tok: Char); begin if tok <> currToken then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Expected %s but got %s', [Describe(tok), Describe(currToken)]); end; { Semantic actions are methods on TLocation } var loc: TLocation; { Driver and parser } begin cp := PChar(APath); NextToken; loc := ARoot; // Syntax: // path ::= ( '.' <name> | '[' <num> ']' | '^' )+ ;; // Semantics: // '<name>' are field names, '[]' is array indexing, '^' is pointer // indirection. // Parser continuously calculates the address of the value in question, // starting from the root. // When we see a name, we look that up as a field on the current type, // then add its offset to our current location if the current location is // a value type, or indirect (PPointer(x)^) the current location before // adding the offset if the current location is a reference type. If not // a record or class type, then it's an error. // When we see an indexing, we expect the current location to be an array // and we update the location to the address of the element inside the array. // All dimensions are flattened (multiplied out) and zero-based. // When we see indirection, we expect the current location to be a pointer, // and dereference it. while True do begin case currToken of tkEof: Break; '.': begin NextToken; Expect(tkName); loc := loc.FieldRef(nameToken); NextToken; end; '[': begin NextToken; Expect(tkNumber); loc := loc.Index(numToken); NextToken; Expect(']'); NextToken; end; '^': begin loc := loc.Dereference; NextToken; end; else raise Exception.Create('Invalid path syntax: expected ".", "[" or "^"'); end; end; Result := loc; end;
The principle can be extended to other types and Delphi expression syntax, or TLocation may be changed to understand non-flat array indexing, etc.
This post was inspired by this question on Stack Overflow, and some similar questions to it that popped up over the past few weeks.
I like it! Any chance we might see this in Fulcrum's RTTI.pas? I can already think of a handful of places where this might be useful.
ReplyDeleteBTW why the code duplication in the implementation of TLocation.FieldRef?
The code is different between instances and records because instances need a dereference before adding the offset. It could be written differently, of course.
ReplyDeleteOh, you're right. I missed that ^ mark.
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ReplyDeleteGood enhancement, and the code works without having to wait for next version of Delphi.
ReplyDeleteWhat I still miss is setting length of dynamic (generic) array by RTTI: if I have a TLocation, where FType is TRttiDynamicArrayType, then a TLocation.SetLength is missing. Any hint on how to do this?
Further I miss RTTI-Invoke for methods of records a little.